MobiliseYour City (MYC) is a partnership of cities and governments assisting beneficiary partners in their preparation of National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programs (NUMPs) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). It facilitates the establishment of framework conditions for effective investment and sustainable development of urban transport infrastructure and services as well as regulatory soft measures. MYC also works on enabling transformational changes, preparing investments and linking with development finance and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Tools and Features

  • international partnership of 100 cities and 20 national governments engaged in Sustainable Urban Mobility
  • raising the ambition level and peer-to-peer dynamics of local governments through forming coalitions (long-term south-south / north-south partnerships and cooperation measures)
  • establish integrated, comprehensive policies and development plans for sector transformation with clear linkage to budgeting and financing concepts for activating transformation
  • taking consolidated action at local level by developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP)
  • establish solid financing schemes in order to secure the sustainability of resources allocated to urban mobility

Governance of Case

Drivers for Open Mobility

The partnership contributes to the UN’s Agenda 2030, specifically Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.